

***** Hey all! Welcome to our new blog! Our names are Molly, Judah, Emalia, and Nibha (also, occasionally Ethan). We are four friends who like to make songs, skits and parodies for you to enjoy. It's totally swear free, and totally appropriate for all ages! ***** WARNING: We have an odd sense of humor, and our musical skills are at the levels of two teenagers.  We hope you enjoy our videos! Our skits and songs are on the left hand side, just click on them and you will get multiple skits and songs! (Note about our transcripts: sometimes we make them, sometimes we don't. It really depends on how well you can hear the song-we rarely have a transcript for our videos. However, if you request one, then we will write one for you.)


 Hey everyone (aka, hi mom)! It's Molly.  So basically, when I went to Europe over the summer, I forgot how to post things using Blogger. And quite frankly, I don't feel like relearning. So I have decided, since nobody views our blog anyway, to just put the link to our Google Photos album, where you can watch all our videos!   Also, I want to make an important note that these videos are mainly for our own entertainment. We really enjoy making them, but we aren't doing this for anybody except for ourselves, and also to send to our family and friends to annoy them! We aren't really trying to make an online presence, but you can still view these videos.


*** For those of you who don't know, Ukraine has been at war with Russia since February. Russia has been brutally attacking their cities, causing about 5.4 million refugees (recorded April 21, 2022) to leave their homes in Ukraine in hopes of finding safety. In addition to that, a total of 2,729 and 3,111 injured (recorded April 26, 2022). Many Ukrainians are living in poverty, with no food or supplies for themselves or their families. And we need to help them get through this dire time. *** We here at Awkward Flight Attendants all stand with Ukraine, and we want to help them in any way we can. And the best way to do that is to donate money. There are many amazing charities and nonprofit organizations that are working tirelessly to help these affected people. Our team gathered some charities you can donate to, plus some other websites that will give other suggestions. Even just one dollar can help! And even if you donate to one website, you will still be helping an awful lot. *** L...