For those of you who don't know, Ukraine has been at war with Russia since February. Russia has been brutally attacking their cities, causing about 5.4 million refugees (recorded April 21, 2022) to leave their homes in Ukraine in hopes of finding safety. In addition to that, a total of 2,729 and 3,111 injured (recorded April 26, 2022). Many Ukrainians are living in poverty, with no food or supplies for themselves or their families. And we need to help them get through this dire time.
We here at Awkward Flight Attendants all stand with Ukraine, and we want to help them in any way we can. And the best way to do that is to donate money. There are many amazing charities and nonprofit organizations that are working tirelessly to help these affected people. Our team gathered some charities you can donate to, plus some other websites that will give other suggestions. Even just one dollar can help! And even if you donate to one website, you will still be helping an awful lot.
List of Charities You Can Donate To
United Nations World Food Program
There are so many more charities and non-profits you can donate to, and if you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments. The first link has an extensive list of more places to donate to, so definitely look at that. If you can't donate to Ukraine, maybe you just can't donate, or some other reason, please send these to your friends. Education and spreading the word is crucial as well. Later, we will post some information links that you can watch or read, so you can look at those and share them so that way you can still contribute to helping Ukraine. Thank you for helping!
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